Noosa First Aid

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Basic Wound Care

Abrasion wounds: the surface layers of the skin is broken or grazed.

Incised wounds: cut or slice into the skin.

Signs and symptoms

Check responses:

  • Look for foreign objects and dirt particles

  • Punctured blood vessels or severed arteries

  • Check how deep the wound is and bleeding severity

  • Look for infection (red, inflamed around edges, puss)

First aid

  • Clean according to severity. For minor wounds

  • Avoid breathing, coughing or sneezing over the wound

  • Clean with a non-fibre shedding material or sterile gauze soaked in normal saline or clean water (do not use cotton wool or material that will fray or leave fluff)

  • Don’t scrub embedded dirt, this can traumatise the site even more

  • See a doctor if dirt cannot be removed to reduce the chance of infection

  • Apply an antiseptic

  • Cover with a non-stick sterile dressing such as a Band-Aid or a non-adhesive dressing held in place with a non-allergenic tape, (try not to touch the dressing’s surface before applying it)

  • Change the dressing according to the manufacturer’s instructions (some may be left in place for several days to a week)

A a  wound that fails to heal, heals slowly or heals but tends to recur is a chronic wound. See a doctor immediately for symptoms such as bleeding, increasing pain, pus or discharge, and/or fever.